MOLO XL BY RODOLFO DORDONI || More Options and Room to Stretch Out

MOLO XL BY RODOLFO DORDONI || More Options and Room to Stretch Out

Molo is an example of a modular sofa in its purest form.

Its orthogonal geometry is based on a reticular modular design, which means it can be easily adapted to suit any situation and optimize the space in which it sits. Each module can be taken apart and reorganized creating new uses and configurations, including curves thanks to the 60° corner module.

The design is aesthetically minimalistic with intentionally oversized pieces. Furthermore, the emphasis has deliberately not been placed on the decorative elements, but rather on the various combinations of fabrics, colours and carefully selected details, including optional edged seat and backrest cushions. It also features three different leg systems in teak, concrete, and a new low aluminium base.

2-seater or a 3-seater? You have plenty of configuration options with the Molo XL

Molo, pier in English, jetée in French and embarcadero in Spanish, is a structure built on the shores of an ocean, sea, lake, or river which extends from the land over the water; a mooring place for boats, a rest between trips and a refuge from the swell of the waves. A return to terra firma and people. Molo by Kettal offers a place of relaxation and reconnection.
— R.Dordoni

Arranged as a daybed, it’s the perfect spot for an afternoon read

More room for those who want to stretch out

Images courtesy of Kettal