WOODLAND TALES || Whimsical Creatures and Woodland Scenes

“Tell me a bedtime story!”

What follows after this request from your child, niece or nephew is a debate of which characters they would like to include in the bedtime story to set a fantastical scene one could only dream up in their imagination. “I want an owl with purple feathers! A squirrel that has two bushy tails instead of one!”

Candlestick and tealight holders. Photo: Alberto Strada

Joyful Robin and Lonely Fawn Saucer. Photo: Alberto Strada

This Woodland Tales collection, which is hand-made, flame-worked in borosilicate glass and designed by Alessandra Baldareschi for Ichendorf Milano, is inspired by various children’s stories. With candlesticks and tealights, saucers and pendants, jugs, tumblers, and mugs featuring lovely woodland creatures such as the gentle fawn, joyful robin, white rabbits, and lively squirrel, these items will surely add warmth to your home this fall/winter season. We’ve got our eyes on the Surprised Owl Candeliere and the Lonely Fawn Saucer — two items to spice up an evening of dining at home.

Candeliere Surprised-Owl. Photo: Alberto Strada

Each object contains naturalistic and fantastic details to create an imaginary landscape for a delicate, joyful table. Each object is a short story and will serve as inspiration for your bedtime stories for your little one.