GRAVVITY || Bringing the Social Back to Social Media

Remember when social media was designed for us to engage with each other? And then, it didn’t work out that way? Well, Gravvity is bringing the people—us—back into the conversation.

I think I can speak for everyone when I say: Social media has become a big part of our lives; from the rise of social media platforms in the early 2000s to the steep increase in online usage during this pandemic, social media has been at the center of it all. Did you know, there are currently 3.81 billion social media users worldwide? Moreover, 68% of Americans receive their news on social media platforms (myself included; hello, Twitter). As much as I’d like to say that social media has kept me occupied for the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has also hampered me with this need to be validated through the Internet’s eyes. I’d like to believe that social media does more good than bad, but let’s face the music: There is simply too much clutter in the Twittersphere, the Instagrameddon, and the new-to-the-scene TikTok trends. These noises dilute … our voices.

When was the last time you truly, deeply, and productively engaged with a friend on Instagram? I’m not talking about liking their posts or reacting quickly with an emoji response to their IG story. I’m talking about building a real conversation, talking about creativity, wellness, self-improvement, and the like. I mean, how could you build real conversations when so much is going on around you—voices chirping left and right, content platforms luring you in with appetizing clickbait headlines. That’s all about to change with Gravvity, your new social media experience that puts you, the user, first!

More meaningful conversation on social media? That’s something we like


Gravvity is determined to soften the social media landscape—to help us breathe easier while we scroll through our phones. (I know, right? I didn’t think it would be possible!) What Gravvity is proposing is a fully user-centered experience. They are placing us, the users of social media, front and center. This includes our well-being.

For far too long, we have grown accustomed to subliminal ads that obstruct our focus and superfluous features that have become meaningless (such as likes and followers). With Gravvity, we can filter out the noises that flood these media platforms and keep what’s truly important to us: building meaningful relationships.


First and foremost, Gravvity is a chat app that combines and filters your social feeds, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (among others). Think of Gravvity as a social media hub, with its prime feature being social engagement and letting the fluff take the back seat. It becomes the core of all social media apps—all in one place—without the need to switch between apps and screens, hence reducing your screen time all at once. Within the app, you can filter the linked social media apps so that you’ll only see the feeds of the platform of your choice, whenever and however you feel like it that day. The best part about these feeds: no more relevant or for you content!

Everything in Gravvity is brought to you chronologically; in other words, if your friend John had posted a photo at 12:00 P.M., and your other friend Jennifer had posted a tweet at 1:00 P.M., then you’re going to see John’s photo first and then Jennifer’s tweet as you scroll. Furthermore, another outstanding Gravvity feature is the chat experience “that cuts the fear of missing out and a fully customizable, chronologically ordered social feed free of spam and manipulative algorithms” that we are all too familiar with. No more big-company manipulation and mind-games. Woo-hoo!

Spending less time on your phone? That’s something we can get behind


CEO and Co-founder of Gravvity, Jerry Chien, recognizes that “Social media apps are exploiting people for their data and attention” and hopes to “empower people to enjoy the benefits of being socially connected without being exploited” through this game-changing social media experience.


Gravvity is set to arrive at participating app stores in April 2021, presenting its users with an entirely redefined social media experience. Who knew a social media hub would be the remedy for the led-astray social media phenomenon? I still remember when Xanga was slowly becoming obsolete when Facebook, the tech and media giant, stepped into the scene, bringing with it Twitter and Instagram. We didn’t know the influences these platforms would bring.

But times have changed.

There’s a new kid on the block, and they’re here to make social media better.

Will I see you on Gravvity?

If I do, let’s chat.

With a background in architecture, Ray Liu wishes to bridge the space between architecture and writing—to write content about architecture that is easily consumable by those outside the niche field. He is an aspiring author in fiction, a lover of all music genres, a skincare enthusiast, and a lifelong fan of Japanese animation legend Hayao Miyazaki.