BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS || The Easiest Way to Get More Business

Pitching for new business always feels like a chore.

The client has no idea who you are, and you’re going in cold.

From over 15 years of pitching for business, I have one simple tip to share that will make it much easier for you to get more business, starting today.

With a background in marketing and a passion for sharing knowledge and teaching others, I discovered that a lot of clients who come knocking on our door found us through watching, reading, seeing our content online. Does this mean you should run out, set up your phone, and livestream your life 24/7? Is that what it’s going to take to get more business?

Sharing content yes, livestreaming 24/7, no.

So what kind of content should you share? I am in the space of sharing knowledge on cultural marketing, because I find it fascinating, how consumers of different cultures gravitate towards different products and marketing messaging. I could, literally, talk about this all day.

And so that is what I do.

I have filmed a course on Chinese digital marketing, recorded YouTube videos teaching cultural marketing, been a podcast speaker for cultural business strategy, and more. The key is, investing in becoming a thought leader in your field is going to make it much easier for you to close a deal.

Share your expertise in a place where your clients are likely to do their first assessment of you — online.

Here’s why.

CEO A at a company decides they need cultural marketing services. They ask their Marketing VP to get on it. Marketing VP asks their Marketing Manager to get on it. Marketing Manager and/or their team starts researching online… and guess who they find? Someone like me, who is constantly sharing value and insights on how to market to different cultural audiences.

“Hey, she seems like an expert and is consistently sharing information. This probably means she’s up to date on industry and cultural trends.”

I passed the first filter. Even when I wasn’t aware someone out there had a need for my services. Let’s face it. People can now assess you, and your expertise, before they even reach out to you. Your job, is to make sure that you present a trustworthy, knowledgeable brand online, to make it easier for those who have a need for your products and/or services to assess whether it’s a fit.

By the time they actually reach out to you, you already built some level of ‘rapport’. They’ve decided they like you enough to give you a chance to pitch.

Interior designer? Does your online profile show your expertise?

It will not happen overnight, and it has taken years for me to build the reputation for my agency online, but it’s something you can all do today.

Are you a florist? Start recording short videos on how you design your arrangements.

Are you a mortgage broker? Start sharing weekly mortgage tips and market news.

Are you a skincare brand? Talk about all the latest skincare ingredients and their uses to educate your followers on how to get their skin in great condition.

The key is to get started today so you can reap the fruits of your efforts in the future.