Feeling Uninspired After a Tough Year? Get Out of Your Lane to Go Further in Your Career

Feeling Uninspired After a Tough Year? Get Out of Your Lane to Go Further in Your Career

I love getting out of my lane because that’s when I create works that are 1+1 = 3.

I’m a marketer by trade, but I often gain inspiration by looking at other industries to understand and analysis how things are done differently and it helps to get me out of a creative rut. One thing I can’t stand is doing the same thing over and over again using a proven formula because you eventually start churning out the same type of uninspired work. This leads me to the question of how can I do things differently and improve on the results I’m already getting?

I’ve borrowed business model elements from the insurance industry, and learned about the importance of craftsmanship from of clay and glassware artisans, and even perfumers. I am fascinated by the unique processes of each industry, and have applied learnings from each of these industries to improve my work. In essence, I gained new insights by getting out of my lane, and applying the learnings to my own industry.

If I had stayed in my lane, I would continue to learn more about new digital tactics, the latest new social media platforms, and gotten more Google Ads certifications. Instead, by fuelling my curiosity and getting out of my comfort zone, I’ve allowed myself to come across some interesting ideas.

Getting out of your lane will lead you to discover more interesting ideas and collaborations

Some questions I’ve asked this year:

  1. What long-term applications do NFTs have? My corresponding action was to talk to those who have minted their own NFTs, and others who are collecting NFTs to understand what and where the value is. I’m starting my own side project to understand the marketing implications behind the NFT craze.

  2. How do we tell better stories on all channels? My corresponding action was to upgrade my gear so I have the tools and resources to do so. I asked photographers and videographers about their work to learn their best practices. I’m no professional, but simple things like learning how to frame a better shot or get a storyline together already work wonders to make my work better.

  3. What are the upcoming opportunities in various metaverses? With brands like Nike, Adidas, and others already investing in the metaverse to connect with the next generation of consumers (think about your niece, nephew, daughter, son, or even yourself who plays Roblox), how can marketers leverage these new spaces to create engaging experiences?

So, getting out of your lane doesn’t mean switching industries, it means to look beyond your own industry to gain inspiration. It can be as simple as picking up a book or magazine, or listening to a podcast, that’s on a topic you know nothing about.

If you think of a learning curve, when you try to pick up a new topic or area of interest, it’s usually steep at the beginning, meaning you could pick up quite a bit of knowledge with a comparatively lesser amount of time. It’s a sound investment of your time over the holidays, so why not learn something new?