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Modern Authentic Austrian Cooking || Kocherei & Co Salzburg

Here you can enjoy modern, casual dining made with locally sourced ingredients and authentic, Austrian cooking techniques.

Kocherei & Co is the brainchild of owners Michael and Nicole, who are also owners of the local favourite restaurant Zum Fidelen Affen, located right next door to Kocherei & Co. In contrast to the rustic charm and history behind Zum Fidelen Affen, Kocherei & Co (aka KO.CO) touts a brightly-lit, clean white aesthetic, where diners can enjoy the warm sunlight pouring in through the windows. Local art decorates each available white space, creating an environment that lets guests appreciate both food and art. 

Chef Alex of Zum Fidelen Affen oversees the menu at KO.CO, and tells us he tries to bring Austrian culture onto the plate through the dishes. The items are cooked with locally sourced ingredients, and because of its traceable ingredient origins, has been awarded the AMA Seal of Quality (AMA-Gütesiegel). 

KO.CO's colourful menu.

We were able to taste some fantastic dishes, including "The Mozart Ball", chocolate mousse with marzipan, caramel and pistachio crisp, which is a dessert you won't soon forget. It's creamy, airy texture paired with the crunchy pistachio bits create an optimal balance between the sweet chocolate and rich, nutty taste.

The Salmon Tartare is a refreshing dish with juicy, crunchy fresh tomatoes, buttery avocado cream, served with toasted wholemeal bread from Anifer Mühlenbrot bakery. It's the perfect starter, but after the first bite we wanted 2 more portions to make a full meal!

Salmon Tartare.

Another highlight menu item that has received numerous rave reviews online at sister restaurant Zum Fidelen Affen would be the boiled beef. Over at KO.CO, Chef Alex puts a modern twist on the dish, where it is served with cumin fries, chives and spinach dip. On a warm summer day, the perfect drink to go with this tasty lunch option would be the Hoobert Kola, a Cola made in Salzburg, created by a pharmacy that revived an old Cola recipe.

The infamous boiled beef that has garnered numerous favourable reviews online.

The creation of a modern dining space like KO.CO gives owners Michael and Nicole much to celebrate, and the efforts of Chef Alex to integrate authentic Austrian culture into innovative dishes resulted in a delicious menu with character. We foresee long lineups to try this new, hip restaurant and wish them all the best!


Priesterhausgasse 12 | 5020 Salzburg
+43 (0) 662 877361-20

Tue - Sat: 17.00 - 24.00
Cuisine: 17.00 - 22.00


+43 (0) 662 877361-20