WINTER HEALTH || Beat the Winter Blues with 3 Tips for Mindful Exercise

WINTER HEALTH || Beat the Winter Blues with 3 Tips for Mindful Exercise

Winter can be a challenging time to stay motivated to exercise. 

The cold weather, the shorter days, and the holiday season can all make it difficult to get out of bed and move your body. But exercise is essential for your physical and mental health, especially during the winter months. It can help you boost your mood, improve your sleep, and reduce stress.

Mindful exercise is a great way to connect with your body and mind, and it can help you make the most of your workouts. When exercising mindfully, you're paying attention to your breath and body sensations and not judging yourself or comparing yourself to others.

Here are 3 tips for mindful exercise during the winter:

Winter sports are a great way to exercise while having a good time with those who choose to play the sport with you. 

1. Find an activity that you enjoy.

There are many different types of exercise, so find one that you actually enjoy doing. An activity you look forward to will make it more likely that you will stick with your exercise routine in the long run. In the winter, you can opt for winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating. You’ll be able to feel the cool breeze and see the breathtaking scenery while going up the snowy mountains – this is the perfect time to be mindful and reflect on your day or surroundings. Take in the beauty of nature and enjoy your exercise time. 

Exercising indoors takes away the cold factor, so you’ll still be able to enjoy your time without worrying about freezing.

2. Set realistic goals.

Don't try to lose 20 pounds in a month or run a marathon in a week. Set realistic goals that you can achieve, and celebrate your successes along the way. Having clear milestones will help you stay motivated and on track. A realistic goal for you may be hitting a new PR at your local gym or trying out a new sport or exercise that you’ve always wanted to try but didn’t have the time to do. Because it will get colder in the coming months, many people choose to visit an indoor gym or purchase a gym membership. You can do many exercises when you have access to the proper equipment and facilities, so it’s good to take it slow and understand what your body is trying to tell you. When you listen to your body, you are being mindful and respectful of yourself. Don’t go too crazy, and make sure to stay hydrated. 

Set aside time every day in your calendar or on a to-do list you pass by on your fridge.

4. Make exercise a part of your routine.

Schedule time for exercise in your day, just like you would schedule time for work or school. Setting aside time will help ensure that you make time for exercise, even when you don't feel like it. Personally, we set a reminder on our phones when it is time to get some exercise in, but, there are people who put it in their Google calendar with their other daily events, so it becomes a habit. Keeping a calendar or to-do list of your daily activities helps keep your mind organized and clear. When you are clear-headed and aware of your everyday activities and thoughts, you are calm and more likely to be less stressed. 

Here are some additional tips for staying active during the winter:

  • Get outside as much as possible, even if it's just for a short walk.

  • Take advantage of indoor exercise facilities, such as gyms and yoga studios.

  • Sign up for a winter fitness class or challenge.

  • Find an exercise routine that you can do at home.

  • Invest in winter workout gear, such as a hat, gloves, and a warm jacket.

By following these exercise tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable winter workout experience.