THE 10:30 PM CHALLENGE || I Slept at 10:30PM For 3 Months Straight and This Is What Happened

THE 10:30 PM CHALLENGE || I Slept at 10:30PM For 3 Months Straight and This Is What Happened

In a time when we are all addicted to our phones and computers, we often lose track of time at night when we are unwinding for sleep. 

Sometimes, I find myself endlessly scrolling through TikTok videos or Instagram Reels, deeply invested in stories online when I should be heading to bed and preparing myself for the next day. I decided it was time to make a conscious effort to start having a healthy bedtime routine and go to sleep at 10:30 PM consistently and see how that affects my daytime mood and behaviour. As you may have read in an earlier article, you need to be consistent for a habit to truly become a habit, so I tried sleeping at 10:30 PM for 3 months straight to fully reap the benefits and changes of getting a full night of sleep.

Here are 5 things I observed after 3 months of consistently sleeping at 10:30 PM. 

1. Improved Sleep Quality

The most immediate benefit I noticed was my remarkable sleep quality improvement. Going to bed at a consistent time helped regulate my internal body clock, ensuring that I got the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I used to wake up in the morning still tired, which resulted in me staying in bed til almost noon. But staying in bed til noon made me feel like I wasted the entire morning without doing anything productive. This newfound consistent sleep schedule led to deeper, more restorative sleep, leaving me feeling refreshed and energized in the morning.

Take advantage of the last warm days to take your daily walks before winter begins.

2. Increased Productivity

With a well-rested mind and body, I found that my productivity skyrocketed. I woke up clear-headed and ready to tackle the day's challenges. The morning hours, which I used to squander, became my most productive time. I was able to accomplish more in those few hours than I used to in an entire day of late-night work. Paired with a brisk morning walk, I felt refreshed and ready to start my productive day. 

3. Enhanced Mood and Mental Health

Quality sleep had a profound impact on my mood and mental health. I noticed a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels. I felt more emotionally resilient and better equipped to handle life's challenges. I did not have as many mood swings, I would not get irritated easily, and I was overall very at peace and happy with my everyday lifestyle. 

Journalling and doing other reflective practices before sleep every night allows you to evaluate your day and how you can improve or structure your day differently.

4. Healthier Lifestyle Choices

Another unexpected benefit of sleeping at 10:30 PM every night was the positive impact on my lifestyle choices. With a consistent sleep schedule, I was less likely to reach for unhealthy late-night snacks or binge-watch television shows until the early hours–there was no time to do that! Instead, I started making healthier choices, such as spending quality time with my family, journalling, or practicing a hobby in the evenings.

5. Enhanced Cognitive Function

The benefits of quality sleep extend to cognitive functions as well. My memory and concentration improved significantly. I was able to think more clearly and solve problems with greater ease. It also helped me think more critically and creatively. This newfound mental clarity had a positive impact on both my personal and professional life.

The 10:30 PM Challenge was a life-changing experience that transformed my physical and mental health, productivity, and overall well-being. By prioritizing quality sleep and setting a consistent bedtime, I unlocked a host of benefits that have enriched every aspect of my life. This challenge taught me that sometimes, the simplest changes can have the most profound impact. If you're seeking a positive transformation in your life, consider taking on the 10:30 PM Challenge—it might just be the best decision you ever make, and I will continue this habit for as long as possible.