HOME COOKING RECIPE || Chickpea Cauliflower Curry for the Weary Soul

When you've had a long stressful day, a hearty bowl of vegetable curry is the perfect antidote to all your weariness.

Curry is one of those foods that can be enjoyed across all seasons. Make it vegetarian-friendly, then you have yourself a belly-warming comfort food that is both healthy and gratifying, impressing even the most resolute omnivores in your life. Complex in flavour and positively nourishing, curries are a great way to eat a wide range of nutritious veggies without even realizing it.

One delicious curry recipe that immediately springs to mind is this Chickpea Cauliflower Curry from Flourist. Warmly spiced, this dish is packed with nutrient-dense ingredients low in calories and fat. The chickpeas used in this recipe are Flourist Kabuli Chickpeas which are grown without chemicals by Christie Whelan near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Known for their large size, creamy colour and smooth coat, these chickpeas are nutritional powerhouses loaded with fibre, protein, and nutrients. To order and learn more about Kabuli Chickpeas including how to cook them, visit here.


Note: This recipe allows for 6 servings.


2-3 tbsp ghee or olive oil 
1 medium white onion, chopped 
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped 
1-2 tbsp grated fresh ginger 
1-2 tbsp curry powder 
2 tsp cumin powder 
1 tsp salt 
2 cans of coconut milk 
1 tbsp sugar (can be substituted with cane sugar if desired)
1.5 cups cooked Flourist Kabuli Chickpeas
1 zucchini, coarsely chopped
1/2 cauliflower, cut into florets 
1/2 bunch Lacinato (black) kale, greens removed from stems and torn
green onions to garnish 


  1. Heat the ghee or oil in a large pot. Add the onion, jalapeno, and grated ginger. Cook on medium heat, stirring here and there, for 5 minutes. Add the curry powder, cumin, and salt, and cook, stirring the entire time, for 3 minutes more until the spices are fragrant.  

  2. Add the coconut milk and sugar and bring to a simmer. Cook at a light simmer for 4-5 minutes. Add the cooked Flourist Kabuli Chickpeas, cauliflower and zucchini. Cook for 10 minutes on a might simmer, very loosely covered. Add the kale and simmer until just soft, 2-3 minutes.

  3. Serve hot with or without rice or cooked whole grains (Flourist Millet or Flourist Golden Quinoa). Homemade flatbread is also a nice alternative. Top with green onions. 

Chickpea Cauliflower Curry. Photo Credit: Flourist

Chickpea Cauliflower Curry. Photo Credit: Flourist

It’s difficult to resist a comforting bowl of curry and this Chickpea Cauliflower Curry is a surefire recipe that is not only protein-rich and meat-free, but it also comes together quickly, making for a well-balanced, comforting weeknight meal rich in legumes and vegetables. A warm thanks to Flourist for sharing this recipe with us!