HEALTH & WELLNESS || 5 Wellness Trends that We'll All be Obsessed with in 2023

In the wellness world, hundreds of trends have been introduced through social media platforms, and many of them have gone up in popularity.

Like hot girl walks, eating greens in powdered form, and sharing our mental health struggles on social media, for example. And as a matter of fact, we can see that most trends from 2022 have carried forward to 2023. Let’s take a look at what the 2023 wellness horizon looks like! 

Truth is that there are countless things we can do to boost our wellbeing. Here are some of the ones that stand out to us.

Mindfulness and open heart meditation

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is about feeling connected to your inner and outer worlds. It’s about being open to possibilities and trusting that when you live your values, you know it’s done with intention and integrity. Every now and then, you may experience a feeling of absolute calm and happiness. You're on a clear path, following your true north, your ultimate purpose. You can feel the connection between yourself and the world around you. This is the feeling of being in flow. 

You may find spiritual well-being through religious or spiritual practices, meditation, mindfulness, spending time with mother nature or any activities that connect you to your inner self and the world around you.

Micro Workouts

Micro workouts are the new craze. With a growing appetite for busy people with fewer minutes to spare, micro workouts are on the rise. These quick and fun workouts and fitness challenges utilize the power of social media to be accessible to everyone. TikTok is a leading platform for these short dance routines, but Instagram has begun to follow suit through reels. 

The key to making a micro-workout effective is to focus on quality and intensity over quantity, meaning that these short workouts are designed to be very intense in order to maximize their effectiveness in a short amount of time.

Functional Mushroom Madness

As people are becoming more aware of the potential health benefits of mushrooms, there will likely be an increase in the number of individuals looking for ways to incorporate mushrooms into their daily diets this year for the sake of wellness - say hello to the power of mushrooms! Rather than just adding mushrooms to a pizza, people have been incorporating mushrooms into more food and smoothie recipes, and we’re seeing more of them in the snack aisle at the supermarket as well. 

Functional mushrooms, such as shiitake, maitake, reishi, and lion’s mane, have become more popular due to their potential health benefits. Some studies have shown that consuming functional mushrooms may help to improve brain functions (focus and memory), reduce inflammation and stress, immune system boosting, and have potential anticancer properties.

Sleep Syncing 

Sleep syncing has become a popular trend lately, and it is growing. What it is is adjusting your sleep cycle to the rhythms of nature, such as the sun and moon, and aligning it with your circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour clock that regulates many physiological processes, including sleep and wakefulness. When you sleep in sync with your circadian rhythm, you are more likely to fall asleep and stay asleep easily and wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested. 

This can be challenging, and it may take some time to find the perfect balance. A consistent routine and good sleep hygiene would be a great start. 

Sober Lifestyle

The curiosity of what a sober lifestyle is have been trending lately. Especially with the whole new year, new me trend going across the virtual world. More and more people have decided to change their personal relationships with alcohol. That’s right, see ya later Martini. More restaurants and bars have been offering more mocktails and non-alcoholic drinks. There are also more adaptogenic drinks available at the supermarket, which use different herbs and plants that help with relaxation and mood-boosting. It’s a beverage alternative that will wake you up with no hangover! 

Micro Workouts

Now that you know what wellness trends to hop onto this year, it’s time to get started! Of course, as the year goes by, new practices will appear, but there will always be specific ones that will explode in the wellness world.